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25,000 subscribers with another 50+ joining every day.

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Post Lab Community

Access the hooks, formulas, strategies, posting philosophy, and insights that help me earn over $1,000 a day in less than 2 hours of work. Then get weekly videos that help you even more. Join before prices more than triple later this year.

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Brand Growth Coaching

Guaranteed personal brand follower growth with optional 1v1 coaching for people who want to monetize their exposure better. Prices range from $300 to $500. There are no long-term contracts, so you can try it with minimal risk.

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Photo of Charles Miller

Who Am I?

Hey, I’m Charles.
In 2021, after being a copywriter for 4 years, I decided to fully commit to social media and personal branding. In the 3 years since, I've amassed over 1,000,000 followers and made over $10,000,000 for my CEO clients. Now I’m helping regular people do get results too with a variety of affordable products and services.
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